Poetry from Alan Catlin

Howie Good, Frowny Face and all

The patron saint of Shopping Mall Santas.

If only wishes had the impact of bullets!

The Lord has showed us His glory but also His great big ass.

I might not have the shadows of carrion crows tattooed on

            my eyeballs.

Children on their hands and knees peck at the ground for seeds

            and insects and adults sniff around like dogs.

…love means teaching  a child not to step on a caterpillar.

Kids are warned, “Don’t ever talk to strangers” but strangers

            have the best candy.

There is always a superannuated star of 1980’s action movies

            exposing his mummified balls.

Do cows get excited: The parable

One night the chalk outline of the body mysteriously disappeared.

Extreme (Art) Materials at the Memorial Art Gallery (2012)

Breakfast cereal on wood panel

Insects, wax, and mixed media

Condoms and fabric

Taxidermied animals and crochet fabric

Breastplate #6: Lead and American .233 military ammo

Rainbow: Dry dog food and silicone

Coyote Juggles His Eyes: coyote skull, enamel, and glycerin

Organized Knowledge in Story and Picture: an altered set

            of encyclopedias

Fireworks Drawing: lit fireworks residue on fibrous paper

Centipedes: Bundt cake pans, bicycle brake liners, found objects

            and cold cathode tubes

Plaster infused marble, steel wool and lead

Inkjet prints on used coffee filters: a set of six

Post Extinction Fossil Grotto: bones and mixed media

Orthoptera: Grasshoppers, antique brass, steel watch parts (gears

            and springs) glass dome, walnut base, and sueded mat

Wheatfields: Udon, squid ink, spaghetti, and porcini mushroom

            spaghetti on wood

Pulled Tooth Drawing with reclaimed gold fillings.

Liquid Asset: Discarded plastic bottles, tinted polyacrylic mice

            powder and rivets

Human hair, steel wire, fiberglass screens, thread and wooden


Before Something Else Happens: Rose petals, synthetic hair and

            glass beads

Chemical Balance II: prescription bottles, mirror, and epoxy

Tampon Cake: layered tampons and applicators

Corpus Regis: Blood, resin, and clay on board

Albion Dream: Glass, bacteria water, vinegar, and epoxy

Lynsey Addario’s: It’s What I Do: Photographing Love

            and War

Troops firing at government helicopter as it sprays area

            with machine gun fire

Afghan women shield their faces at woman’s hospital

Rebel fighters and drivers look into sky anticipating a bomb

Anti-American demonstration in Peshawar

My shoe without laces where we were tied up

Transgender prostitutes in the Meatpacking District of New York

Women of Jihad Afghanistan

Young Afghanis listen to music in public for the first time

Civilians carry the body of a severely wounded comrade after a

            car bombing

Indian man bathing in the street: Calcutta at dawn

Kurdish soldiers deface a picture of Saddam Hussein

Children swimming in artificial lake at Saddam’s palace

Rows of the remains of bodies found in mass graves South

            of Bagdad

Scene in front of British Consulate minutes after a car bomb


Soldiers with 173rd Airborne Battle Company react to incoming

            mortar round

Afghan woman stands in labor on the side of a mountain

Death of a U.S. marine in Soth Afghanistan

Iraqis watch a 3-D movie in Bagdad

(The Defenestration of) Francesca Woodman: On Being

            an Angel

Self Portrait in sheer nightwear in attic loft with hanging

            sheer curtains, Rome

Black paint splatter on graffiti wall with disappearing woman

Dramatic pose in darkness with white gloves highlighted

Posed as a naked angel highlighted in derelict loft

Self Portrait at 13 with piano, already among shadows, Rome

Double exposed crawling through a headstone, Boulder, CO

Easter lily with headless nude

Naked bodies in and on glass museum display cabinet

Escaping naked and exposed from natural history exhibit

            with taxidermed animals

Disappearing as if blending into partially peeling flowered


Naked body, time exposed

Time exposure of FW in polka dot dress with pocked bare walls

Lightning Legs: FW’s bare legs beneath raised polka dot dress with

            jagged piece of torn wallpaper

Supine on a Victorian settee facing a wall wearing several layers

            of black lingerie

Three kinds of melons, four kinds of light: FW naked holding

            cantaloupes and a picture of a melon

Pinched sitting: headless nude with clothes pins attached to

            nipples, stomach, and belly button

Face: Headless nude sitting on a couch with a plaster face mask

            covering her pudenda

Suspended: gripping a door frame with face averted

“Sometimes things are really dark.”

Crouched, naked, facing a wall hands pressing against it:

            “Then at one point I did not need to translate notes:

            they went directly to my hands.”

Lying naked face down on a floor with a curled eel in a white

            enamel basin

Self portrait talking to Vince with “bubbles” escaping from her


Self deceit #1, crawling, naked around a stone wall and seeing

            herself reflected in a broken mirror

Self deceit #4 standing naked against a stone wall face covered by

            the piece of broken mirror

About being my model: three naked women holding three different

            faces of FW over their own

Francesca’s head on an oriental rug runner: pigment-based inkjet

            print (reddish)

Last view from a loft window: no note 

Lustmord 1920-2020 : A Centennial Celebration

Morbid Curiosity: The art work, the underground sensation,

            the headlines

“I don’t particularly want to chop up women but it seems

            to work.” Said Brian DePalma

George Grosz as Jack the Ripper: a self-portrait with Eva Peter in

            the artist’s studio

Otto Dix “Sex Murder a self portrait

“A boy’s best friend is his mother.” Norman Bates

Nosferatu peers out of the ship’s hold carrying him: a movie still

“Everywhere the mystery of the corpse” Max Beckman

Case Studies:

Otto Dix: Walpurgisnacht, the orgiastic witches Sabbath

            Flares: skeletal dead bodies of soldiers with fireworks

            Metropolis: garish excesses: a triptych like Bosch

            The Seven deadly Sins-personified

            Shell hole with flowers

            With corpses

            Self-Portrait with Muse: sensual, otherworldly, threatening

George Grosz: Double Murder in Rue Morgue

            When it was over (the axe murder) they played cards

            For the fatherland-This way to toe Slaughterhouse

            Homunculus: A Frankenstein monster gone radically wrong

            John the Lady Killer: figuratively and literally

            Pimps of death aka military officers

Fritz Lang’s M

The Corpse Vanishes

Trapped Like a Caged Animal: the child murderer frozen with fear

Reinventions: Murder in the name of Art

The Third Man: Harry Lime observing the people below from a

            Ferris wheel: “Would you really feel any pity if one of those

            dots stopped moving-forever.”

Dark Souvenirs

The Year in Review in Pictures: an abridged selection

                        from the New York Times

“Every war is ironic because every war is worse

than expected.” Paul Fussell 1924-2012

American sailors with captured Somali pirates

Thousands of people return home after ten years of war, Darfur

Frozen child, refugee camp, Afghanistan

Man on fire running, New Delhi

Nik Wallenda highwire walking over Niagara Falls Gorge

Kim Jong-Un reviewing the troops, May Day, North Korea

Human skull and bones mass grave, Mazar I Sharif, Afghanistan

Pussy Riot in Moscow Courtroom cage

Wendy Maritza Rodriguez after seeing the corpse of a relative

Forty-six new graves cut in a field, Krymsk, Russia

Statue of Blessed Virgin Mary after the fire, Breezy Point, Queens

Aerial View of Manhattan showing blackout of the city after Sandy

Israeli family braced for incoming rockets near Ashdod

Palestine residents clearing debris, Gaza City, the next day

Night in Syria after airstrike in Aleppo

26 killed, 20 children, 6 adults, Newton, Connecticut elementary

            school massacre (not shown)

            Published in New Verse News 2012

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