Poetry from Alexander Feinberg translated by Shukurillayeva Lazzatoy Shamshodovna 

Young Central Asian woman in a red and black buttoned jacket standing in front of a giant statue of Alexandr Faynberg seated backwards in a chair. It's on a pedestal in a park with barren trees and lamps and grass.

Sen jimsanmi? 

Jim tur. 

Zamon aybdormas, 

Hech nima chiqara olmas ovozang. 

Ko‘kragingda jomdek ichi bo‘sh yurak 

Tili yo‘q qo‘ng‘iroq kabi chalmas zang. 

Hayot hayot emas yangi qo‘shiqsiz, 

Eski qo‘shig‘ingni kuylama takror. 

Jim tur. Bog‘laguncha yangidan Xudo 

Yorug‘ yulduzlarga maysalardan tor.

●Aleksandr Feinberg

Are you silent?

Be silent.

Time is not to blame,

Nothing can bring forth your voice.

In your chest, a hollow heart like a bowl,

A bell without a tongue, not ringing.

Life is not life without a new song,

Don’t repeat your old song.

Be silent. Until God weaves anew

Light from stars, strings from the grass.

●Translation by Shukurilloyeva Lazzatoy Shamshodovna 

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