Poetry from Audrija Paul

South Asian teen girl with brown eyes, short brown hair to her shoulders, a small silver necklace and a flowered pink blouse.


At the break of dawn, when the night melts 
And light finds its way,
The slumbering soul thinks of you.
At the middle of the night, when the world tries to be silent,
This insane soul thinks of how to feed the hunger of your absence.
When the pink evening lights diffuses, and it gets darker,
The fire inside this unruly being burns down every single memory,
The tears freeze in a silent snowy dusk.
Still the buried dreams returns again and again,
In this mind. 
Still the soul thinks that there is a return from the final destination of life. 
And one day,
This story ends,
With the burial of this unruly soul. 

One thought on “Poetry from Audrija Paul

  1. Audrija, honestly, this is one of the most beautiful poems I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading. Please keep writing!

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