The day he exit
It was a black day void of emotions yet filled with nothingness.
Father called with a loving tone and son comes ingest with daddy
Buddies and loved ones assembled the table
Feasting in different numbers as one.
He had gone to lay down his body
But suddenly a scream knocked everyone to shock
Doctors ran their ways, in and out, biting their fingers
As to be compared to when a hunter misses his target.
I bashed in unannounced like a security guard
And watched how his glowing eyes turned pale.
Mummy, palleted in grief, sighed deeply,
She began to drown the hospital in an ocean of tears
Thoughts shuffled my heart, plights ran in search of solution
And I sprinkled prayers at the visage of God
But he was too busy to grant my wish, too busy to save my man.
Soon daddy went on peaceful ride from the struggles of existence
His gentle soul waved at me as he departed to meet his own.
Hopes left me stranded, swallowing darkness. I became an empty body!