Poetry from Azimjon Toshpulatov

Central Asian teen girl with long dark hair, blue eyes, and a lacey white blouse posing at an angle, leaning to the right
Azimjon Toshpulatov

I'm gonna be happy

One day a flower will open for me,
The way will always be open to me.
It's always a fun day
I will be happy, believe me.

Spring will surely come for me,
Trees bloom early in the morning.
You can also have lunch at a glance at the flowers
 I will be happy, believe me.

A rose will soon grow for me Honey is really the happiest Summer is a big work for me I will be happy, believe me.

Ilhomova Mohichehra, 7th grade student of Zarafshan city, Navoi region, school No. 9.

One thought on “Poetry from Azimjon Toshpulatov

  1. Magic Yr words. Thanks,
    You’ll be happy till an Autumn spider just finish its weeb with red and yellow leaves, and the wind that blews its web away.
    Every Best Wish

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