Poetry from Boronova Sevinch

Young Central Asian teen girl with black hair and brown eyes and a fluffy white and tan blouse.
Boronova Sevinch

A blessing given to us,
Every land is wealth
Every time God gives,
It is a great happiness for us

My family is healthy
There is no blame
Live and laugh
It is the greatest happiness

Our sky is clear,
People are kind
It's productive all the time
That is a great happiness.

Boronova Sevinch Ural girl was born in 2006 in Dehkanabad district of Kashkadarya region. Currently, he is a 1st grade student of the Academic Lyceum of Karshi State University. His first poem is called "Onamga" and is the winner of the "Best Journalist" nomination. He is the author of the book "Charming pearls of Uzbek amateur poet and writers", poems and stories were published in the book "Flowers".

One thought on “Poetry from Boronova Sevinch

  1. Love has gotten me into all therse words of the Verb. Ecstasy¡

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