The happiness, the joy,
of a good day out
Shatters with the arrival of bullets,
A hurricane of bullets,
An apocalypse of bullets,
Blood, pain, unimaginable screaming,
And loved ones
Deathly silent, deathly still.
Yet it’s ok, OK!
Take a deep breath!
Life goes on!
Know that all will be better
When the airwaves
Are flooded with words
Of meaningless profundity.
Flags will drop to half mast,
And public officials—
To the Congressman
To the Mayor
Will wrap themselves in pious language
And babble on:
“Our prayers are with you!”
“Cowardice can’t defeat us!”
“Hearts go out to the victims!”
“God’s love and unity will prevail!”
“This will make our community stronger!”
So soothing—until the next time,
And the next time.
And the . . . .
Bruce Roberts, 2019
Yes, we’ve patched the bullet holes,
Cleaned the blood off the walls,
The floor, the ceiling,
Painted the whole room
So it’s fresh and clean,
Even renumbered the entire hallway,
So that number
No longer exists,
Like the 13th floor in a high rise,
But still, no one—
I mean NO ONE—
Volunteers to teach there,
And parents sell the house.
Leave town,
So there’s no chance
That their son,
Their daughter—
Center of their family,
Their hearts—
Will ever have to learn
With GHOSTS ever present
Silently screaming
Over their shoulders!
Bruce Roberts