Poor Palestine’ children and other wars!
They tell us about Western Civilization
From the Judeo-Christian Civilization
Of Islamic Civilization
From the East’ civilizations
That are all nothing more than mere nonsense
And obscene lies.
The legitimacy of their gods, buddhas or gurus
It is nothing more than this:
Crime, murders, barbarism, wars
Raising the murderers to the sky
More cruel and evil
That they were born on this Earth.
The warlords feed on the dead
That’s why they traffic so many wars
Coming to snatch nations, countries, lands
Leaving tied or dead
To all those who, in their paths
They find.
These murderous criminals don’t care
Taking children from their mothers
To get drunk with his blood
Catching and capping the father
With a shot in his parts
On the back or the neck.
It is well known that barbarism
Western Jewish Christian
Islamic or Eastern has no limits.
What times were those of Paganism
When they made offerings to the Sun or the Moon
When those humans only knew
To love the animals and species of the Earth
And to the stars in the sky ¡
The gods of our Civilizations
They are trashy and silent
Because no one is left behind.
There have been many
And there continue to be many
Children who die from shrapnel
Bathed in blood
Gifts of Life itself
They don’t deserve death
Because there is no sin in them.
Mama mia!
This is how you live and are born on this Earth.
Damn the anti-abortionists of all religions
Damn the warlords
With toga, miter, crown, fringes
Epaulettes, gallons, sashes
Tiaras or capes
Even that criminal and murderous bunch
Of the common people
Very facultative in rapes and deaths
Defending and wanting to bring
How many children does God give them
Your damn God
To be fodder for wars.
-Daniel de Culla