Poetry from Elbov Kulmonov

Elbov Kulmonov
Elbov Kulmonov was born on 29 May, 1992 in Koson district in the Kashkadarya region of Uzbekistan. His poems and stories were published in local and national newspapers. 

His poems were published in a collection of "Ezgulik yolqini" and his poems were published in Uzbek Writer's Anthology in India in 2013 and '*Katla-lntercontinental magazine in 2013.Now he is a correspondent of "Tarovat" newspaper. He is a member of the "Astonishment" creative writing club.


My body made by from your soil. 
I know some day I will die. 
Some day my soul will get across my body, 
So my soul is a temporal. 
I will take you away with me, 
until dead your memory. 
I will live in your land till this event, 
I will remain in your soil. 


Dreams, dreams white dreams, 
You are a ray lighted my soul palace. 
You appeal me to live, 
You are an Antelope in my heart. 
I am trying to reach the dream's mount, 
Everyday, cry an hour with hope. 
I admire my feelings to reach you and I will gain a victory some day.