Mama Mother is the doctor for any sickness Mama is the country that everyone loves without conquering Mama is joy and sorrow Mama the power Mama the forgiveness One word was created by God To forgive people Say it every day Call her if they put chains on you To sweeten it the wound To bring peace My mom, you're unique You never told them you were upset With gold I will cherish you Chosen person I crown you My mother My sun My compass © Eva Petropoulou Lianou Greece Mama Mama ni daktari kwa ugonjwa wowote ule Mama ni nchi ambayo kila mtu ana penda bila ushindi Mama ni furaha na uzuni Mama, nguvu Mama, musamaha Neno muja ila umbwaka na mungu Kuwasamehe watu Iseme kila siku Mwite Kama wana kuzingira minyororo Kuweka kidonda afazali Kuleta amani Mama yangu, uko wa pekee Aujawezaka wambiye kama umekesirishwa Na zahabu nita ku penda na kukujali Mtu aliye chaguluwa, Nakuvisha taji mama yangu Juwa yangu Muongozo wangu "Mama" a poem "Mama" written by Eva Petropoulou Lianou Greece Translated into Swahili, the most African spoken language by a Congolese Refugee ©®Charles Lipanda Mahigwe (Malawi) African Youth Artistic Poetry - AYAP Charles Lipanda Mahigwe President