Poetry from Gaurav Ojha

FREE, IF your past can’t recognize you for what you are now 

Free, IF you know that the face you carry is a mask that has been unmasked many times

Free, IF you realize that you are a pretender that you always wanted to become 

Free, IF you can think even when they want to think for themselves but they can’t  

Free, IF you let your life speak rather than measure your being on the shadows of other lives

FREE,  you want to try again, even IF you have been tested out many times

Free, IF you remain interested in something just to feel its resonances in your bones 

Free, IF you can travel on a bumpy road that doesn’t have any destination 

Free, IF you can let go of everythings you have for who you are 

FREE, IF you realize that your a selfish gene and you are only here for a brief survival

Free, IF you recognize the difference between having and being  

Free, even IF someone  closes the door on you, we are all under the same sky

Free, IF you can imagine a possibility even when without any probability

Free, IF you can walk in and out of the market without buying anything

Free, IF you can suspect what you have been told with what has been discovered 

Free, even IF you have chosen the most traveled way, you know there is no other way out   

FREE, IF you are not framed within an idea or identity, which says you are us/not like them  

Free, IF you can meet someone for that moment, without diluting her present with past

Free, IF you know that you have to carry a rock to the hilltop and roll the burden down 

Free, IF you realize that it's just a circus in rounds and the audiences admire their clowns 

FREE, IF you can find ALL in NOTHING and Nothing in All