Poetry from Graciela Noemi Villaverde

Light skinned Latina woman with long straight blonde hair sitting in a restaurant with her hands folded in front of her face. She's got a watch and several bracelets.
Graciela Noemi Villaverde
A shining sphere emerges
Flags moved by a breath
It comes from the roots, 
From that wind with which we were born, 

There in paradise 
Perfect crowning for our geometry, 
Adamantine, constellated, urgent 
More tenacious than anger 
Woman who breaks like a mirror 
Against the heart of an invisible sun,
And you bloom chewing the tide... 
So satiated with dreams that there is no art more tender than yours 
Shadows, abandonments, and prodigious love 
They form your grace. 
Harmonious, flexible, firm woman, 
With silences followed by pure acts
Today I revere what I am…WE ARE. 

GRACIELA NOEMI VILLAVERDE is a writer and poet from Concepción del Uruguay (Entre Rios) Argentina, based in Buenos Aires She graduated in letters and is the author of seven books of poetry, awarded several times worldwide. She works as the World Manager of Educational and Social Projects of the Hispanic World Union of Writers. 

She's the UHE World Honorary President of the same institution Activa de la Sade, Argentine Society of Writers. Commissioner of honor in the executive cabinet IN THE EDUCATIONAL AND SOCIAL RELATIONS DIVISION, of the UNACCC SOUTH AMERICA ARGENTINA CHAPTER.