Poetry from Hatamova Charos

Central Asian teen girl with long dark hair up in a bun and reading glasses and earrings in a white collared blouse with buttons on the sleeves and a dark blue skirt with a white stripe on the bottom. She's to gray shoes and a wristwatch and is in a building with gold lettering on the wall next to her and wood paneling and a potted green plant.


 The longing for Oman burns my soul,

 I’m loveless, I’m unhappy – the word happiness without you,

 Even the moon is falling from the sky,

 Besarhad asked me how I was.

 Bearmon – to a bearman world


 Chamomile of my heart 

 from the window.

 With countless words spoken,

 My last word asks after 

 at the moment.

 He cries to the sky 


 The written words of your grandfather are superior.

 And but, I spoke, I drank,

 i burned

 I grew up in the greatest living room.

 The Maghreb is a stranger, a homeless stranger, 

 He asks, searching my heart


 I will walk around the branch

 the streets

 I’m sorry 


 that’s it.

 They lied 

 the nights are quiet,

 I wandered the lost city.

 I thought you were sorry


 Wings of Blasphemy

 a simple bee.

Hatamova Charos was born in 2009 in Fergana region. Currently, he is studying at the creative school named after Erkin Vahidov organized by PIIMA. His creative works have been published in several international magazines. The artist’s future goal is to become a poetess, to receive the Zulfiya state award and to become a scholar of literature.