Poetry from J.D. Nelson

Five Haiku 

this is not a drill
evacuate building 3


appointment canceled
I wake up to a white sky
& hidden foothills


showertime prayers
thanksgiving for my rescue
from the hot water


spring’s first honeybee
in the blossoming fruit trees
my old neighborhood


above the foothills
a white duck without a bill
sits in the blue sky



J. D. Nelson’s poems have appeared in many publications, worldwide, since 2002. He is the author of eleven print chapbooks and e-books of poetry, including *purgatorio* (wlovolw, 2024). Nelson’s first full-length collection is *in ghostly onehead* (Post-Asemic Press, 2022). Visit his website, MadVerse.com, for more information and links to his published work. His haiku blog is at JDNelson.net. Nelson lives in Boulder, Colorado, USA.

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