Five One-Line Haiku
sky grows darker sunset or storm clouds?
nephew’s 13th birthday whitecaps on the lake
red rocks pink at sunrise I wake up to check my phone
Memorial Day three unsharpened yellow pencils by the dumpster
a crow calls before six you’re early this morning
J. D. Nelson is the author of eleven print chapbooks and e-books of poetry, including *purgatorio* (wlovolw, 2024). His first full-length collection is *in ghostly onehead* (Post-Asemic Press, 2022). Visit his website,, for more information and links to his published work. Nelson lives in Boulder, Colorado, USA.
2 thoughts on “Poetry from J.D. Nelson”
keep up the good work my friend… hope all is well.
keep up the good work my friend… hope all is well.
Good ones. Sharp images (pencils excepted!) crisp clean evocative poems!