Poetry from J.J. Campbell

Author J.J. Campbell White man with a large beard and a black tee shirt and eyeglasses stands in a bedroom with posters in the wall.
Author J.J. Campbell
ten more years

remember when your parents

told you they were staying

together for the sake of the



it was all a lie


they hated you and only

stayed together for another

decade because the taxes

were easier to do


ten more years of do

what your father says


ten more years of

anger and despair


ten more years of talking

yourself down from the

roof every other night


you still are haunted

by those ten years


eventually, time will

run out on all of us


not everyone gets

the bliss of a sunset
another sign of getting older

here comes a

sexy woman

in glasses


my knees

just got



is it love


or fucking

someone will find the happy out there

i was told i never write happy poems


some impossible challenges should

just be let go


but no


i have to do this


so, there's this little boy

watching the rain


his father tells him

those are tears from



and the little boy asks

why is god crying


and the father tells the

little boy it is because

of all the times he lets

down his mother


and the little boy, just

old enough to know his

father is probably full

of shit


says maybe it is because

of all the times you have

let her down and she knows

she could have done much



after taking his beating, the

little boy learned a lasting

knowledge about the truth...


it hurts
with all i have to give

hot water racing

down your back


i can feel your breath

in my soul


it feels like i have

waited forever to

taste you


to grace your lips with

all i have to give


be it this night or all

the nights we have left


you possess the only

arms i ever felt safe



i could promise you

the moon but i'd rather

go hand in hand shooting

the stars


walk across a bridge and

jump together


to see how much love

can let us fly


i want to show the muse

all that she has inspired

me to do


one day, hopefully


we'll meet in some

random city like it

was meant to be
chasing dark secrets

the muse is in paradise

trying to enjoy life a

little bit more


i'm off chasing dark



wondering if it is only

my tail or a tale worth



our love grows stronger

and i long for the day

where there is a lonely

beach and two old souls

enjoying a drink


i know the chances

are slim


but i refuse to believe

the impossible can't



of course, the deeper

the longing the larger

the price to pay in

sorrow and madness

J.J. Campbell (1976 - ?) is old enough to know where the bodies are buried. He's been widely published over the years, most recently at The Rye Whiskey Review, Disturb the Universe Magazine, Horror Sleaze Trash, The Beatnik Cowboy and The Asylum Floor. He will have a joint book coming out this summer with C. Renee Kiser. You can find him most days on his mildly entertaining blog, evil delights. (https://evildelights.blogspot.com)

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