an old friend had an old friend that swore she would never talk to me again email me this morning wanted to know if i was still alive i get the feeling she was hoping to never get a response --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a miserable death just woke myself up with a fart that smelled like some animal met a miserable death that's the problem with going to bed before the sun comes up nothing good happens before fucking noon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- where the smoke smells like roses i want to live in a world where david bowie and tupac are sharing a laugh over drinks in some neon laced psychedelic bar still alive making music keeping people questioning all reality where the smoke smells like roses and success is the last thing anyone thinks about ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ an uncertain world uncertain times in an uncertain world your soft brown skin always has a way of calming me down two steps back from that proverbial ledge destiny is there for those that need to believe ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- i was never meant to enjoy this i don't complain about the pain any longer the pills don't work and so far, my liver hasn't asked or begged to quit i figure these are the days where i am supposed to learn that i was never meant to enjoy this in the first place and as bitter as the truth is, it only makes you strong enough for the next mountain of pain
J.J. Campbell (1976 – ?) is currently trapped in the suburbs plotting his escape. He’s been widely published over the years, most recently at Terror House Magazine, The Rye Whiskey Review, Horror Sleaze Trash, The Beatnik Cowboy and Dumpster Fire Press. You can find him each day on his mildly entertaining blog, evil delights. (
J.J. Campbell, wry as a night hawk, honeydew under the claws, honest takes on the subjects of his art.