nerve damage i can feel the nerve damage in my middle finger i guess the knife went deep enough part of me knows that many people are chuckling knowing they wanted the knife to go deeper all i can preach is patience your day will be here before you know it ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- fogs up my glasses another morning in some medical center scribbling poems in the waiting room as my mask fogs up my glasses i doubt the pandemic ever ends and i'm sure this will be my life until my mother dies not much of a life by the usual standards but i do what i can with what i have i can't say the same for everyone else --------------------------------------------------------------------------- a little less gentle soft black skin connecting the tubes explaining this is going to hurt a little i chuckle and explain my high pain tolerance, hoping she knows to be a little less gentle she starts the procedure and i imagine her naked i believe she noticed or that was my imagination having her lick her lips and start to open her sweater up for a better view -------------------------------------------------------------------------- laughing at the hard times i learned a long time ago that laughing at the hard times will take you much farther than the endless misery of complaining now, my laughter has turned more to sarcasm as i have grown older the joys of becoming an old cynical fuck it does have some perks no one tends to fuck with you or bother to talk to you or most days, if you can get so lucky, they will forget you exist talk about a good day ------------------------------------------------------------------------- make me find the joy contemplating suicide again it always comes up around the holidays there's an angel out there that hopes to cure me make me find the joy i applaud and admire her effort but she's old enough to know there is no escaping certain tragedies
J.J. Campbell (1976 – ?) is old enough to know better. He’s been widely published over the years, most recently at Beatnik Cowboy, Terror House, Horror Sleaze Trash, The Rye Whiskey Review and Mad Swirl. You can find him most days on his mildly entertaining blog, evil delights. (https://evildelights.blogspot.com)
Good reads. I can identify with you. Hang in there.
thanks, i appreciate it