Poetry from Dr. Jernail S. Anand

Older South Asian man with a white mustache, sideburns, and a short trimmed beard and black turban and reading glasses. He's standing in front of a microphone and has a gray suit and a red lapel pin and a blue tie and is holding up his left hand with a ring on one of his fingers.


We love things which look beautiful 
Or things which are useful.
And when things lose beauty 
Or turn useless, 
The love evaporates.

But men and women 
When fall in love,
These benchmarks of 
Beauty and utility
Turn irrelevant.

Love like hope springs eternal 
In human heart 
And stays 
Even when cheeks lose glow 
And winds lose their blow.

Offspring is loved by the living species 
But when parents grow old, 
Or if some accident 
Breaks a child beyond repair, 
How long can love be stretched?

Animals are loved only so long 
As they give milk.
Or they have enough strength 
In their knees to pull the carts, 
Before being sold out to the slaughter house 

Love of this land has its limitations 
Even men and women who love
Sometimes find it a burden 
And rush to the courts. 
Who carries a relation reduced to a carcass?

Earth is a different type of mother 
And God a doting father 
Who call to their embrace 
Voyagers whose boats were broken 
Before they could cry "Eureka".

Dr. Jermail S. Aaand