Poetry from Joan Beebe


Life is a long  fight for survival, or so it seems.
I know there are so many confusions and health issues –
Families can be part of this  and cause us to feel real pain.
Our thoughts become a source of sadness and longing..
Our emotions become deep with despair.
Yet, we keep a glimmer of hope within ourselves.
We pray, talk to friends and browse through old pictures
Suddenly our thoughts turn to the future and the feelings
Of hope and faith begin to shape our mind instead of relentless
The opportunities and gifts have been so many as we remember
the joy and happiness some have brought.
So we begin to change our selves
and look forward to sharing time and talents
in special ways with those around me.
We finally experience peacefulness within our soul.


Joan Beebe (left) and fellow contributor Michael Robinson

One thought on “Poetry from Joan Beebe

  1. Very good work Joan. I have enjoyed your work for several years now, and you keep going because you have got the right stuff.

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