Poetry from Joan Beebe

Elderly white woman in a blue dress next to an older middle aged Black man in a striped tee shirt, hugging in a pool lounge area.
Joan Beebe, left, with fellow contributor Michael Robinson
A Time of Stillness

Neat nice homes standing side by side.
Where there used to be neighbors mowing the lawn,
Resting quietly in the shade of an old maple tree,
Waving to neighbors who are also in their yard and
some taking walks through the neighborhood.

The area now seems like a ghost town.  A few cars 
sit idle in driveways and no one visible through
windows of the homes.  Arising in the middle of the 
night and looking through your window is sad and 
disturbing.  The quiet of the night seems like you 
are alone in a field of grass with the light from
a shadowy moon enveloping you in a time of yesteryear.

It is taking you back to a time of youth, laughter and 
living a family life of love.

The present is now when we hope and pray that the 
dangerous and fearful virus of COVID19 will be erased 
from every part of this world. 

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