Poetry from John Culp


Drink my water 

I borrowed your lake 
    just last week 

        fair is fair 

I came happy and I can 
           leave happy 

Still my lake,  would you, 
      I want the stillness 
to raise our Hearts 
      friends & children 
                  Art & Sky
      So walking away will not 
tear me away from Love itself 

I can see myself in
      Your reflections 

thinks    I'm gone 
           Knows the lonely heart 

   Find me in the overview 
where hilltops Grace the Land 
      ,as the wolf calls, 
            My World Lives!

A gust taunts Lake's mirror 
 to scatter the curious fish 
                   as one took Air. 

      Steal the moment 
          found content 

One  cannot  Steal  a  Gift 
 Rested,  on dimension's rift

The world Begins 

Forgive my Stars 
    the Space they take 
We'll share a Sun
     to Warm Our Lake 

by  John Edward Culp 
    January 26, 2019