Poetry from Karimova Sarvara Karimovna

Teen Central Asian girl with curly dark hair, brown eyes, earrings, and a brown coat and blue top.

Expression of the Heart

Night. Away from the sun’s embrace,
My moments are like a boundless sea.
No one can replace your place,
Neither stars nor the crescent moon, you see.

With your light, caress me slow,
Let the flame within my heart grow.
May clouds not block your way,
And darkness fade from your gentle ray.

Hide not your face beyond the peaks,
Make my heart’s garden bloom and speak.
First, in my heart’s quiet nook,
Sow the seeds of hope, as you took.

When I cast a gaze each night,
May it bring hope for tomorrow’s light.
Push away the pangs of longing deep,
And speak of you in dreams I keep.

Night. Away from the sun’s embrace,
My longing is a pain with no grace.
No one can replace your place,
Stay, and always be with me in this space.

Karimova Sarvara Karimovna was born on March 30, 2008 in the Khorezm region of Uzbekistan. Currently, she is studying in the 10th grade of a school named after Agahi. She creates in the genres of poems, stories and articles. One creative collection has been published.

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