bubblewrap innuendo prime delivery my latent desires listed on the gift receipt Heidi McIver/Kelly Sauvage Moyer ~ paperclip mudbath just-finished manuscript wine stains camouflage the tears Heidi McIver/Kelly Sauvage Moyer ~ fate donation chronic illness i gift my suffering to the allopaths Heidi McIver/Kelly Sauvage Moyer ~ soapstone tattered loofah the jagged edges of my heart Heidi McIver/Kelly Sauvage Moyer ~ pheromone subsistence third anniversary he expresses the cat’s anal glands Heidi McIver/Kelly Sauvage Moyer ~ every separate pine needle collective fate we form a tattered tapestry atop the forest floor Heidi McIver/Kelly Sauvage Moyer
G E M B U N [1-3 or 1-4] [pronounced Gem-Boon]
A Gembun is made up of either a one-word first link or anything up to one sentence, to be capped by a haiku of up to four lines.
The Gembun has to include an element of suggestion in either the opening sentence, the haiku or in both. It was created by ai li on the 12th of June 1997, inspired by Larry Kimmel’s TIBUN.