Poetry from Kristy Raines

White middle aged woman with reading glasses and very blond straight hair resting her head on her hand.
Kristy Raines

Waiting for You in Your Dreams

If you feel lost and can't find me in the moment
have peace that I am in your heart as you are in mine  
Life is lonesome at times and I despair in those moments 
Then, in my dreams you appear with your sweet smile 
and I know I am not really alone
Never fear of me forsaking you 
As long as we are both dreaming of each other
how could those desires ever disappear?  
Yes, I feel empty during the day without you 
I miss your handsome face and your gentle spirit 
But when I fall asleep at night, your whole being surrounds me 
and I am comforted knowing that you are with me there 

So, when you lay down your head every night
know that you will find me waiting for you in your dreams... 

I Cross My Heart

Reach for the stars and there you'll find me
The ray from the moon will be your path
Reach for my hand and I will not let you fall
That is a promise I will never break
What is behind us is gone 
It is ahead where we'll find a peaceful place
Time is unpredictable, here only until it ends
Don't wait to tell me the things you never could
Once that moment is gone, it never returns
So don't keep them from me even if you leave
for in our sorrow will still be our moments of love
Beautiful memories will never be forgotten 
and my desires will never end for you
Standing far away, holding my heart in your hands,
is where our story ends for now 
But I will be back to search for you,  as I always do...

I cross my heart  ❤

No "Once Upon a Times" for Me

When you bow down in prayer
Ask Him, if you must live without me
If so, then what is the purpose of falling in love?
Though we have been separated for a time
The cries of our hearts are still as loud 
In this life, we survive much torture 
Some more than others 
This, I am used to
I don't cry tears anymore because I know 
how to live with endings more than beginnings
I know your heart still searches for me 
I can feel you when you look at my picture
I feel numb as I hear harsh words coming from you
Fortunately, I am used to unhappy endings in my life
No, "Once upon a times" for me
I close the door to my empty heart again for the last time

I can't go through this again.. 

Meet Kristy Raines.
A poet, writer, and author, born in Oakland, California, in the USA.
Kristy is retired, married, and has two children and three granddaughters.

She has five books waiting to be published. One anthology with a prominent Poet from India, Dr. Prasana Kumar, Dalai,  which will launch sometime in 2024 called, "I Cross my Heart from East to West", two fantasy books of her own called, "Rings, Things and Butterfly Wings" and "Princess and The Lion",  an anthology of her poems  called, "The Passion Within Me, and her autobiography called,  "My Very Anomalous Life".  Kristy has received many literary awards for her unique style of writing. 
She is also an Administrator for Chaucer's Square and Motivational Strips Literary Groups on Facebook.

Kristy enjoys music, making pottery, painting, and raising awareness for the Rohingya people and friends who live in the refugee camps of Cox's Bazar and also raises awareness on human trafficking internationally.