Kristy Raines
One Christmas Eve a young man shivered in the night
No extravagant meal, no presents or beautiful lights
No parents or friends to celebrate with on this special day
He felt like an orphan or a child that had been thrown away
As families gather with excitement and glee
He wonders every day what his future will be
Will someone with a heart save him from this lonely life?
Will one day he have any children or a wife?
He looks out his window at all the smiling faces
People singing joyfully of love and heavenly places
Except the young man who stands staring at this unthinkable scene
Who will be the one to save him from this horrible dream?
Just then there came a soft knock at his creaky old door
There stood an unknow woman he'd never seen before
But she was the one who wrote to him every day and night
And who used to tell him stories of never giving into this fight
She had promised him long ago that one way or another
She would do everything in her power to become his new mother
She didn't have the money to pay to get him to the States
But told him in God's time they would both have to wait
For she knew that only in His timing would this come to pass
And she prayed faithfully every night that this miracle would come fast
They had lost touch at some point; He stood alone once again
Never did he think he would ever hear from her and then...
When he opened the door from whom someone now knocks
It was the now older woman to whom he used to have long talks
With tears in their eyes and without speaking a word
They hugged each other tightly no sound being heard
Only the cries of emotion from years of waiting for this day
On one special Christmas Eve when God did make a way... ❤
Said The Moon to The Sun
O Sun
You have learned how to walk on the thin
threads of my Love
But you need not dance alone anymore
Because I have heard a new song and I have
learned the rhythm of your love
O Sun
Come swim in my river, for the current has calmed
and the pain of my love will no longer burn you.
The cool river has put out the hot flames and
washed away the sharp rocks that had hurt you
You no longer have to be afraid
O Sun
The roses in my garden have shed their thorns for you
You no longer will have to bleed for my love
Now you can wrap yourself around their stems
And enjoy the beautiful red petals of their kisses
As my wounds now will one day all heal
O Sun
When the Spring comes and I have shed my old leaves
Climb the tree and enjoy the beautiful new blooms
It is there you will witness the transformation
You can then build your nest in its beauty
And It is there where you will be able to enjoy my love.©
Kristy Raines was born in Oakland California in The United States.
A Poet, Writer, Author and Humanitarian/Activist.
She has five books getting ready to publish soon, one with a prominent poet from India which will launch hopefully soon called, "I Cross my Heart from East to West", two fantasy books of her own called, "Rings, Thins and Butterfly Wings" and "Princess and The Lion", and an anthology of poems in English," Walking Without You, one in French, "Little Rose Poetry", and one in Arabic called," Jasmine and Roses". She is taking a course in Arabic to write this book. Kristy has received many literary awards for her unique style of writing.