Poetry from Lilian Dipasupil Kunimasa

Light skinned Filipina woman with reddish hair, a green and yellow necklace, and a floral pink and yellow and green blouse.
Lilian Dipasupil Kunimasa
One Two

One, Two
Daddy caught a flu
Three, Four
Mommy locked the door
Five, Six
Doggie learnt new tricks
Seven, Eight
My dinner's late
Nine, Ten
Nappy change again
One, Two
Now, what shall I do?
Three, Four
Want to pee some more
Five, Six
Burps and farts do mix
Seven, Eight
Biscuits I ate
Nine, Ten
Nappy change again
One, Two
My fingers I chew
Three, Four
I crawled on the floor
Five, Six
Bathtub, Granny fix
Seven, Eight
My milk, I wait
Nine, Ten
Nappy change again
One, Two
Daddy caught a flu
Three, Four
Seven days and more ...
Bottom of Form

Time and Art

Time is but the ropes in ring of life we play. 
Art is the skill we use as we heroically play.
Win or defeated within time, we stay.
Leaving our trophies, soon our valiant corpses lay. 
May our skills provide the next players a way. 
In them, our value, others may gratefully say. 
We are all blessed the time our first cry that day.

Lilian Dipasupil Kunimasa was born January 14, 1965, in Manila Philippines. She has worked as a retired Language Instructor, interpreter, caregiver, secretary, product promotion employee, and private therapeutic masseur. Her works have been published as poems and short story anthologies in several language translations for e-magazines, monthly magazines, and books; poems for cause anthologies in a Zimbabwean newspaper; a feature article in a Philippine newspaper; and had her works posted on different poetry web and blog sites. She has been writing poems since childhood but started on Facebook only in 2014. For her, Poetry is life and life is poetry. 

Lilian Kunimasa considers herself a student/teacher with the duty to learn, inspire, guide, and motivate others to contribute to changing what is seen as normal into a better world than when she steps into it. She has always considered life as an endless journey, searching for new goals, and challenges and how she can in small ways make a difference in every path she takes. She sees humanity as one family where each one must support the other and considers poets as a voice for Truth in pursuit of Equality and proper Stewardship of nature despite the hindrances of distorted information and traditions.