Poetry from Mark Young

technological innovation


The southwest corner of Stanley

Street East may be a result of

natural causes or possibly

engineered by a spiral laser

beam. Human happiness is so

elusive, which is why composting

bins are available for download

in PDF-format. It’s very easy &


tempting for a horse to lean on

the bit if they want to go slower.

There could be a series set a-

round it, or a gym that preached

sermons on each rep. People suck,

passive aggressive all day long.


Each bowl


The container is double-layered.

How much time should be allowed

for it to fester can often be deduced

from the interplay between the two

materials. Soon we will be offering

small pieces of really old ships. Let’s

see if that does the trick. We have relo-

cated to a place just outside the village,


hoping we can find a cheap place to

rent, away from the nightclubs but

still have close by everything needed

to guarantee a continuous source of

entertainment. The evenings are

often given over to passion & prayer.



Leaving behind your familiar house


Winter on the mainland can

be an enormously stressful

time. Antelopes stand on their

hind legs to reach the acacia

leaves, hoping to break the Yin

or Yang down into its essential

five elements. Freud hid his work

from Jung at first, considered it


a difficult & painful topic, some-

thing he wasn’t comfortable

talking about to his mother. In-

stead offered up a compilation

of therapy tips & techniques

gleaned from 17 years training.



Even if they segue into


A downside of having pro-

fessional tuition is that no one

really needs it unless they’re al-

ready totally screwed. I have

documented my life, embellished

it, added enough physical activity

for it to be presented as an alter-

native soundtrack for the darkest


political mystery. Have also sought

out constructs that are not in com-

mon use or constrained by webdate.

Odd tools. The occasional random

phrase. The stains were cleaned up

very quickly. No ransom was paid.


Mark Young’s most recent book is The perfume of the abyss, from Moria Books, the fourth standalone collection in his — so far — 400-poem Series Magritte.

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