Poetry from Mohichehra Rustamova

Night... quiet, silent, sad
Memories wander
My crazy spirit is restless
Distracted, afraid suddenly

Drops anduh, beun, be sas
I am with myself
This is the breath in which souls enter into battle
You struggled, I struggled, I give up..

Suffering, pain, suffering
A heavy burden on your shoulders...
My heart, kneel! This is breath
I'm a torture in your soul!

Without agreeing with myself
I hurt you a lot today
Your heart is broken because of me
I'm sorry, it's no longer valid

I suddenly ask myself a question
- Why do you always say such words?
My answer does not satisfy me:
- It wasn't intentional...

It's canceled, I'm tired today...
Why am I so sad?
My heart, please forgive me
Don't hurt my little heart...

When luck comes, it comes twice
The smile that disappeared.
When happiness comes, it comes twice.
Holding a flower in his smile...
To walk around in horse 
I want to live in a palace.
The quietest part of the beautiful castle
I want to read in the light...

Do I say princess is in my blood?
I think, tying my day to my night,
The most handsome and intelligent owner of the palace
Looking at my father...

Etiquette, education, life with peace 
Teacher, my kind mother.
It's getting worse day by day
Lament about the most beautiful dreams...

Anyway, it's over.
God wrote our destiny
Whatever he says is what he says
Good to know dears
Prayers made stand firm...
Man is demanding
Man is an aspirant
Man is adaptable
Man is a seeker
Man is enterprising
Man is understanding
A big road
I went on the highway, my destination is far away
I still have a long way to go...
I went for a walk in search of happiness,
I will definitely find it, it is waiting.

The winds are stroking my hair, though
Jealousy of raindrops comes.
The wind makes my hair red
If he says to leave, he will...

The rainy air, the smell of the soil...
The heavenly castle captures my imagination
My soul is fresh, I'm in a good mood
I'm happy to play in the lap of drops.

Money makes a person everything
He takes away his faith and puts it in the grave...
He ordered the execution of conscience
Drives and chases the self...

When the mirror of the heart is gone,
No matter how hard you try, it won't work.
A heart that hurts from you, give it to you,
Smile from the heart and do not smile!

Mohichehra Rustamova 
Uzbek language student at the Faculty of Philology of Urganch State University
In 2022, she received the "For Services in the Field of Science" badge and badge, and in 2023, she actively participated in the international festival and became the owner of the "Scientific Researcher" badge. In 2023, the owner of the "Hokim Scholarship", the winner of the republican stage of the "Zomin Seminar-2022" of republican artists, an official member of many international organizations, she has authored books, her articles and creative works have been published in international magazines and newspapers.

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