I'm one of the children of that mother
With biggest and milky breasts in town
Who lives to feed the adjoining cherubs
But too blind to notice the malnutrition
Which's been drawn in crystal on her kids;
I've been down in the mouth all day long;
I told my mother and did she tell me;
Put in the ground thy ears o' son
And water them with stream of thy eyes!
On my journey
To thy world
I embark
If I reach
There I'll dwell
Till sun dies
I am saint;
I am sent
To clean your sin
Here, Nigeria is my home;
Where my parents, family and friends
Are born and raised by different hands
Do we have other place to call home?
Halt, o' brethren
Don't let others in our hearts
Plant the seed of hatred;
Lado, Ejike, Olu we're but family
Let's alone stand to face our face;
Hang on,
The land, where we sang while farming
Is now with our hands turned it abattoir;
Where we slaughter our own brothers
Who live to provide for us the foods
Why o' brethren and when again
Shall we regain our senses?
Tell our brothers to put down their guns
So peace would be freed and go everywhere
Home my abandoned heart, O' Dija
Let love be its eternal servitude
In your sacred kingdom
Clasp me in your arms, O' Dija
For my limbs grew cold
Strap my aching body to your back
Hold onto my hands, O' Dija
I'm an eclipsed moon
In your starry sky I reshine
I'm a weary wanderer, O' Dija
Take me to your pool
Let's swim and have ourselves anew