Earn your parents’ trust.
You have lived so many years of health,
You have done so well.
Now gather your mental quickly,
Earn your parents’ trust.
Discussed a lot of with heart.
You have done your greed helpless
Now gather your share-out.
Earn your parent’s trust.
You are done linguist by destine
You have decided Orientist.
Now You struggle quickly
Earn your parent’s trust.
Allah gives chance repeatedly.
Mean knowledge is available for you
Now You will have done again.
Earn your parent’s trust.
Go-between used to come and left.
You have cried, said ”l will read”
Now you don’t lose your way.
Earn your parent’s trust.
They told: “No married, another girl”
Girls are too much on trees.
You said: l have got a lot responsibility.
Earn your parent’s trust.
Believe. None of parents don’t
connect their hope from girl.
Go to Makkah together them.
Earn your parent’s trust.
Ask only from again Allah
He is Al-Majiyd from unique lord
İf you write poem, write only from life
Earn your parent’s trust.
Murodullayeva Muharramxon Rustam qizi