Poetry from Mykyta Ryzhykh

gold fish
and the sun is gone

father is looking for fish 
among the scales

here is a flower sleeping 
and no one knows 
what a morning hurricane is

the taste of coffee fades to the tip of the tongue
the thick of time is braided into the morning shabby hair

night sensors go off scale
the bride covered in blood is happy and smiling
bed full of tender flesh
the moon is full of light

the stars are naked and bashful

was published in Pulsar Poetry Webzine

black flower
braided into
white braids
was published in Password

children's town
no one to fix the toy

was published in Password

without beaks
ask for a drink

was published in Password
my imaginary finger
shoots into the temple

was published in Password

death vector
math lesson finished

was published in Password

i want to die be a hyacinth

was published in Password

We slept with you in the crack of a cut hand
Not a single air bothered us with its presence
All clouds and trees were covered with a veil of nakedness
The weapon itself also hid in the anal slits, apparently there it belongs

Finally you raised your finger up and I realized that I was dreaming
I wake up in the silence of the graveyard hidden under the bed
I wake up I sleep I fall asleep I invent your finger
Thrice tied to the lord I come up with a finger
I teach my brain to live again

was published in Pulsar Poetry Webzine

I love the stone for the fact that he is steadfastly silent
I don't like people because they die

little birds kiss the glass of the universe
the world is a torn book in the hands of a child

was published in Perceptions Magazine

the sky eats birds on the horizon
the bird shrinks to the size of a dot
the sun shines like a question mark
what will happen next?

was published in Perceptions Magazine

the snow is back
the bird is looking for a home among the old newspapers

was published in Perceptions Magazine

spring thunder
in the belly of nature
nature is our mother

was published in Perceptions Magazine

Unborn Jesus cries because
he will not be crucified

was published in Perceptions Magazine

orange joy in the snow
small trees are shivering in the cold
small children die in a warm bed

was published in Perceptions Magazine

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