Poetry from Rano Babamurodova

Unbookish children 

Every nation wants its offspring,  

To be educated 

They will surely reach perfection if,  

They read a lot of books.  

Somehow, today, in our time,  

Not everyone likes reading.  

We do not have interests in,  

Becoming better generation.  

The technologies became the global 

Global problems of the world.  

If we were book readers,  

We would have definitely solved it.  

Let’s read more often 

Let’s make our minds think broadly.  

Let’s make our parents proud,  

Ra’no Babamurodova member of the “Qaqnus” circle of the school “harmonious generation of children”Ra’no Babamurodova is a student of School No. 25 of Gallaorol district, Jizzakh region. The school “children of the perfect generation” is a member of the “Caqnus” circle. Poems were published in international books i.e. (America, Great Britain, Antalogy). At the same time, articles and stories were also published in the Republican newspapers “goodness”, “Bilagan” and the district newspapers “Voice of Gallaorol”. 

One thought on “Poetry from Rano Babamurodova

  1. Ra’no, I could not agree with you more that children reading books paves the way for an enlightened, improved society. Moreover, reading books — even so called banned books, which are becoming more prevalent in America — is key to a lifetime of gaining knowledge, for both children and adults. Your words are very wise!

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