Lyrical as a Shopping Cart
The truest madness is writing another poem,
after selling three books in a year,
but the metaphors, similes, personifications
all pile up like groceries
in a cart after getting a new credit card,
and the melting chicken burgers
whisper the inspiration for sympathy cards,
ever as we hold hands,
believing our sweaty palms a love sonnet
while wrinkles and grey hairs rhyme poorly
among friends we haven’t seen in so long,
that they might as well be words
on crumpled paper.
Shorter Than You Think
We want to be a feature length film,
but most of us are snapshots-
static moments we cherish,
until the names and dates scribbled
on the backs become less than ghosts,
leaving a shoe box to wait
inside the bottom of a closet
for someone hoping to find forgotten jewellery
or money leftover from paranoia about banks,
only to dump the pictures on the floor,
as if a memory vomited from motion sickness,
while they fail to see
the edges of their own photograph.