Poetry from Sabrina Ishmurotova

Young Central Asian woman with a headscarf and brown eyes. She's got a jean jacket over a blue collared shirt.
Sabrina Ishmurotova

Ishmurotova Sabrina Sarvar qizi

A little girl who missed her daddy

She is a child, but there is no childhood,
There are no exuberances, no masculinity.
Her heart hurts so much
A little girl who missed her dad .
Seeing her mother secretly crying
Her heart troubles again.
She can't tell anyone about her suffering
A little girl who missed her dad.

Hugging her dad's pictures
"I miss you dad", - she says.
A girl who didn't see mercy from Father
Why does she miss him so much? 

A little girl of six-year-old 
Listening to her longings, you say: "Ohhh!"
O, people, tell me what is going on
Listening to it, you will be feeble.

There are so many tiny hearts in the world
I don't know, how many at the moment.
But, a girl who missed her daddy
Don't cry from longing anymore
One day, you will be very happy