Poetry from Shafkat Aziz Hajam

Young South Asian man with short brown hair and a dark trimmed beard and mustache. He's got a blue coat with a zipper. Behind him is a red and white and tan floral curtain.

I .  I lost my beauty for the harsh time of my youth,
Yearned to rare it for my name after demise,
She didn’t aid me to preserve my beauty.
She longed to preserve hers that would be mine too – 
For this she did like me but alas! my harsh time…..
I had to bear it alone, 
Her love was for my summer when fall reigned me.

The lost dream, I dreamt again,
Couldn’t fulfil it, oh! it caused pain.
Its beauty was not altered a bit,
Not even my desire for it.
I dreamt it again but untimely.
 I could only cry helplessly.
My cry and sigh it could hear,
Though it yearned, it wasn’t fair 
For it to be the dream of mine again 
As like me, him it would cause pain 

Shafkat Aziz Hajam is a Indian in Kashmir. He is a poet, reviewer and co-author. He is the author of a children's poetry book titled as The Cuckoo’s Voice and one adult poetry book titled The Unknown Wounded Heart. 
His poems have appeared in international magazines, anthologies and journals like Inner Child Press International USA, AZAHAR anthology Spain, SAARC anthology, Litlight literary magazine Pakistan, PLOTS CREATIVES online literary magazine in the USA, Prodigy and other digital literary magazines in the USA etc.