Poetry from Sherova Orzigul

Young Central Asian woman with straight black hair, brown eyes, and her head resting on her hand. She's got a wristwatch on and is in a white buttoned top.
Sherova Orzigul

Last Call

A step taken by little boys and girls,
It was fun every time that passed,
But today the eyes are dripping wet,
It went like a breeze, far from what we expected.
Hold on for a while Last call.

A wish in the language of these eyes,
Even a special sky shines,
Dew wipes the face of a flower,
It went like a breeze, far from what we expected.
Hold on for a while Last call.

How many statements have not yet been made,
Fall has passed, winter is long for you,
Now we’re leaving broken hearts
It went like a breeze, far from what we expected.
Hold on for a while Last call.

They can never be your friends like a sister

If you tell me a secret, they will buy it.
Sometimes they throw slanderous stones at you,
When you see your actions,
They can never be your friend like a sister.

Sometimes you fight and frown
Then you sit down and take heart,
Others will listen to your pain.
They can never be your friend like a sister.

There is no mercy for you,
Sometimes you laugh when you remember the words he used to say,
If he goes too far, he’ll kill himself.
They can never be your friend like a sister.

Don’t fight sometimes – sometimes,
Love shines in every glance,
God bless you,
They can never be your friend like a sister.