Poetry from Stephen Jarrell Williams

Queen of the Never Was

Below the high moon
in a clearing of lost lands,

she slow walks
to the center of the moment,

a lasting dream
for those surrounding her,

her presence
enlarging heartbeats,

her eyes
never blinking,

her tears forming a path
between her breasts,

a glistening river
to the waiting sea,

her island
no one ever leaves.

Not From Around Here

A flower growing on
her left ear,
roots to her heart.

Her voice whispery,
words born in the moment
capturing all.

A small group,
recent escapees from war
on a newborn river's edge.

On our sore knees,
sipping cool water,
praying for purity...

We made camp.
She sat in the middle,
all eyes watching her.

We fell asleep,
so close we touched
in dreams.

In the morning lift,
she was gone as the wind.
A vision to come?


Not enough islands
for all of us

a safe home

by a calm sea
and sky of heaven.

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