Poetry from Stephen Jarrell Williams

-Trilogy of My Heart-

Nowhere Land?


to flee anymore.

The world

mega trap

tightening noose.

Freedom an illusion.

The final dictator

probably already here.

Birds staying awake all night

chirping and squawking.

Dogs eating better food

than their masters.

AI controlling

behind the scenes…

Lining us up

checking our use

and when our time is gone.


there seems to be more


A stroking of my heart

without a stroke crippling.

A whispering

in the breeze everywhere.

Is it me

or is it God?

I begin praying

looking up…

A twinkling in my toes

and the beginning of a dance…

in the Somewhere Land.

I’m Old

I’m old

but still walking

the streets

always the streets of life

people wondering

how everything changed so fast

so I slow it down

walking a little slower

my memories seeing

there’s more ahead

sun after sun



My wife takes care of me

with her gracious smile

humming as she works

in our little house

sturdy roof

from so many uplifting prayers

her strength

like the day to night

spin of earth.

Stephen Jarrell Williams has published over a thousand poems here and there and distant places where the light still glows.  He can be found on X Twitter @papapoet