Poetry from Sushama Kasbekar


Oh the old teacup handle broke today
Quite accidentally I am sad to say
Because it was the family treasure
Only used in small measure

Oh what a  pleasure it had been
As a child to have gazed at the yellow set
From the glass mirror of the cabinet
Nose squashed against the glass with longing eyes

Eyes wide with dreamy sighs 
Of using the coveted yellow tea set some day
Which didn't come in my parents’ time
Finally gifted to my daughter many years down the line 

Hence, dear friends, before the dust catches it all
Use the beautiful sari which still hangs in the cupboard many years’
Or the red T-shirt which lies untouched
Or soon you’ll  feel shy to wear a colour so bold

Do you hoard waiting for a suitable day?
A dress, a shirt, an event or travel?
Do not tary, dear friend, time is short, 
You may never use that old treasured thing you bought

Or visit that favourite place
Or say those loved words
Time swishes past 
Like sand in an hour glass doesn’t last!

Sushama Kasbekar

One thought on “Poetry from Sushama Kasbekar

  1. Beautiful poem 💖 can relate to it when I see my parents getting old….there life has become so minimalistic!

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