Poetry from Tursunov Abdulla Bakhrom o’g’li

Middle aged Central Asian man with light brown eyes, short hair, and a zippered light gray jacket seated in a wooden chair.

I miss it, my crazy heart longs for the parrot

I miss it, the matchless angel, the fairy

I searched for my lover, wandering through many hearts and deserts

I, the lover, my heart is a lover, my soul, I miss it

I couldn’t find her, the angel, my beloved

I sought my beloved, soaring to the heavens

I searched for Shirin and Layli, the princess, my soul’s beloved

My heart searching, eagerly seeking, yearning for the tale

I was stricken like separation, O beautiful parrot

I became enchanted, a lover, longing, I miss it

That ghazal, the parrot’s melody, took my soul to the sky

A pure heart, I became a lover, my heart longs, I miss it

Tursunov Abdulla Bakhrom o’g’li was born on September 18,2005, in the Nurobod district of the Samarkand region. He is currently first course in the Karshi university of history faculty.

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