Seven by Twenty – Twitter length submissions


Please pass this along to anybody you think may be interested! Thanks.
Seven by Twenty (×20) is looking for submissions
for publication in 2010. Since we publish on twitter, all submissions
must be fewer than 140 characters. Leave room for attribution – either
your name or your twitter handle. We publish fiction and poetry. We’re
especially interested in very short stories, six word stories,
American sentences, cinquains, haiku, senryu and tanka. We happily
consider reprints. Please send 1-10 pieces for consideration.
Joanne Merriam
Editor, Seven By Twenty×20

Note: Seven By Twenty takes twitter-length fiction and poetry. Please
include attribution (twitter name, or author name) at the end of your
piece, as well as a separate bio. No sim subs, no serials, no horror,
no pay, reprints encouraged. We use one-time electronic rights. Send
to: with subject “Submission.” Please report your
response times at