Story from Jim Meirose

Sure, I’ll take it, what’s the worst that can happen?

Wha’— no-nope hands clasp hard up o’er face and Top-mayor la mayor royam oya y {in any case zink!} gut gone down     e         e   dark ee         dar’       ‘k n’         no never no’        ‘o, ‘t zink      zink down back      Go.      Go        go                d   s  a  o     go         go        how     when       the truth is was once     ‘t       did seem       seme that    back no further and farther to where its so far the black’s not  bl’     why the h’   what’s the worst that can happen   ak’s not black     did things       come    to        ‘ome   ‘t  c’ ‘o this this  n  n n n n n n n n n n n go

—child, what                Sure, I’ll take it, what’s                        child           car        e        di     n’t  car;                                                                ukelele

p                                                            ppp

plump       you ought to be wanting to make something of your life     you I did I don’t matter no did I or not, matter DON’T!   N’ don’ MATTER don’t do as told boy in the field out that side throwing pretend  spear out’s s’ far as possible run over mark run over turn mark back boy ‘d pretty  next contestant Sure, I’ll next contestant    up comes our very next contestant     there’s the window where she’ll be mother will be Mommy Oh Mommy there’s the window where she’ll be okay there they are step’d up back the spear psych up and Throw  there we are back the property line here we’re back in the earliest rock-hard truth we know, b-but NO maybe no hands – what’s the worst that can happen what’s wrong what’s wrong let me help you let us help yo SLAP the hands hot up the face back-snap the head maybe yes maybe no No I am not really here any more how can you help me its a lie you can help me ‘cause no I am not no more here any more I am over there now or maybe back there too but certainly most certainly not here any more can’t you see can’t you see God it’s not even the same now every new now’s every new; G’ how stupid are you see my face see my face   —   b’b the spear’s been thrown no she’s not calling from the window not yet no not yet run there mark the spot and yes yah contestant two is now in the lead GOD its a ‘ow game of competing with myself no no no no no no no there are various selves involved don’t you see no no spear one has been thrown there see it there and then with spear two I have beaten myself no no NO no no NO each spear’s very different if each’s thrown by you and your same the distances would be IDENTICAL would they not be IDENTICAL no no no take your questions away who are you you are spoiling my game bu’ but NO you cannot play a game made for many with just you and yourself yes I can no you can’t {Is mom in the back house shed window to save me (as she saves me out the end ‘f every Hot ‘ummer ‘fternoon +is she or+ is she not or) maybe she is and can’t just be “seen”) oh ma ma Gimi, here I am down here under where in the Ground what the Ground no no rise from the ground get your ass in that window to save me as at the end of all summer afternoons crickets and mice no no no be there but no you are living a lie no no no no NO! I ! won  eoki !!  WON EOKI does not exist! Why’d you lie what’s the worst that can happen why you be always lying no no no no NO! I ! kmer  sdUnnehb sdUNNEHB does not exist! Either stop lying stop lying into me there she is she’s there calling lying into me last she’s calling into me at last cut the damned lying where’s the dinner yet mommy can I escape into the dinner what dinner that dinner every day there’s dinners to put on hide inside of grow fatly all over meistercheives meistercheived he he ha ha don’t blame me blame yourselves, was YOU brought the World Books ‘ Sklyklupedias  in here said read your fill Gimi, read read read up your damned Greed-swillie fill like you do get fat read more Gimi, Uh! read more Sure, I’ll get m’ fatter Uh Uh ! !!!!!!   @crysyalline’s shit-marine’s great bug back’d leatherneck of a Nora-class         GREAT BIG DEMOLITION   charge there that grey barrel  there’s more than one in there too soldier so be doubly aware PING poor    the sun look the Sun is still high but who’s saying





baby  Sure, I’ll take it, what’s the worst that can happen? Come on in, Gimi, it   what where no—the window is empty  no no no it is not time to run throw that spear find the winner got to get to the winner before getting called in why’s that so important oh it is it just is {like don’t step on the cracks (up that long hill up Washington + even when gagging up Coke foam drunk too quick much too [from that machine {in the police station | and do not bounce balls on the way on up Washington : while gagging up Coke foam & not stepping on cracks ‘! cause “ the ball may bounce wild = run you out in the road  <off balance got to get it ^ but off balance Go Down ‘fore > go down ‘fore = go down ‘fore “  the car Great big Dodge eh ‘ great *come on in Gimi* big black blunt old school Dodge bullnose : too late hit the brakes | too late screech the brakes Sure, I’ll *it is time to eat Gimi come* ] too late eh + too late eh eh he hee to ) too two late – Pinc-nez poooo*on*oooooooooooo*in now*oo } out from under there way out from under there all the way what’s the worst that can happen *Gimi come on* out of there Gimi! oh Gimi!  I lost the spear game again God damn it God Come hell in I been calling!       *its time*


 Why the hell’ve I lost the spear game again God !!

Why the hell you not come in when called by me, Gimi?

I did not believe it was you calling, Ma. I was—

No? Why the hell you not believe it was me, Gimi? Did you not hear someone yell, Come on in, Gimi?  You were back there. I saw you. There’s no way you did not hear it, Gimi. No way!

I did not think it was you Ma.

No—why not? Who else would it be?

I I don’t know Ma someone tricking me ma ma now who ma would be please no ma be lying ‘bout being no no no Ma being Me, Gimi?

Why you lie to me Gimi?

‘aheeeeeeeeee  (0)

Tell me now answer it why the hell dare you lie?

Oke. = Sure, I’ll take it, what’s the worst that can happen? ‘re s i ts in ets in sets in twa’, walls, ellll, lick = mamago, hessss, ARK; gell-ding, nag th’ allereg Canada!  ennacer n’ lipronancer, eh, What? MA! ‘s, gell-ding, nag th’ alleregennacer n’ lipronancer, eh, What? Yes, gell-ding, nag th’ alleregennar MA! n’ lipronancer, eh, what? Yes, gell-ding, nag th’ alleregnacer MA! n’ lipronancer, eh, What? Yes, gell-ding, nag th’ alleregennacer n’ lip MA! nancer, Canada!  eh, What? Yes, gell-ding, nag th’ alleregennacer n’ lipronancer, eh, What? Yes, gell-ding, nag th’ allere MA! nnacer n’ lipronancer, eh, what? Yes, gell-ding, nag th’ alleregennacer n’ lipronancer, eh, What? Yes, gell-ding, nag th’ alleregennacer n’ lipronancer, eh, Canada!  What? Yes, gel- MA! ing, nag th’ alleregennacer n’ lipronancer, eh, What? Yes, gell-ding, n MA! alleregennacer n’ li MA! onancer, eh, what? Yes, gell-ding, nag th’ alleregennacer n’ li MA! onancer, eh, What? Yes, MA! ding, nag th’ allere MA! er n’ l MA! e MA! t p MA! ‘a MA! an pl MA! ast MA! e MA! MA! r MA! Sure, I’ll  Wishes? what’s the worst that can happen MA! Yup,    Yes, wishes.  Plasterdna-uno wishes. Com wishes. Com wishes, Com-wishes com com com com com Canada Canada Canada Canada comma com-wishes! Plasterdna-uno wishes. anada Canad  anada Canad Done wished for. And wished for.   Plasterdna-uno wishes.  anada ana  anda-a ana B’ never. Bu’ ‘ever. But ‘eve’ never.  Never on never on never on never up-so up-so uo-so nandabunne down’d, no. NO! Always a nope from them from them always a nope on my wishes  Canada!  {Brigg’s Peter}

Bring that here now.

Do as you’re told,

Brung that there them those over here now!

What no three hands? Bah!

Dancer? Just do as you’re told bring all those ones o’er there here top me yes right now!

Yah big Dancer. the worst that can happen? Here’s the real nut of it = problemninmanialle’d up, steam sighhhhhhhhhhhh ook. (Burns) ‘roblemninmanialle’d up, steam sighhhhhhhhhhhh oo’. (Burns) ‘roblem0inmanialle’d ‘p, steam sigh=0=hhhhhhhh ‘o’. (Burns) church parklot’s cellar ahhhhhh! ‘robl=m0inmanial=’d ‘p, st=m sigh=0=hhhhhhh ‘o’. (Burns) up the badmen call the cops! ‘rbl=m0inmanil=’d ‘p, t=m sih=0=hhhhhh. (Burns) yup yup yup planners what we need’s seed some planners seed planners got to seed us down some great big planners what ‘nners? yes right now! whip? No! Th’ Spanish pers near yurk city playce-taaaaaaa B! place t’ be that’s the God damn big best darn-tootin’ place to be ‘f ask me my and that register on the table over there ain’t she a beauty WOW ain’t she a beauty WOW beauty AH beauty AH ain’t she some PAN PAN PAN PAN terrain pull UP terrain pull Up pull UP terrain PAN PAN PAN sort of beauty? Now that’s what we call a beauty herele dish spaces {know ye what ye mean, Pilgrim?} No don’t ye know what ye mean never no, Bimbo! Pilgrim? what the hell’s wrong Bimbo! Pilgrim? wrong with you can’t make up Bimbo! Pilgrim? make up your mind why Bimbo! why the hell can you never make up your mind GIMI Pilgrim? GIMI oh Gimi, why the hell for Bimbo! Pilgrim? for old aunt Petunia even you never seem to Bimbo! Pilgrim? to be able to ever finally what’s the worst that can happen? and Bimbo! and o’ finally make up Pilgrim? Bimbo! make up yer hoooooooooot’n mind, Pilgrim?

Why’s that?

No don’t lie!

Why’s that?

No Don’t lie!

Don’t lie!

Don’t lie!

Never l’


yes right now! yes right now! yes right now! yes right now!


Wake up you were dreaming = you were dreaming so wake up oh oh

RIGHT THE HELL NOW! sop askin stop asking please stop ploose oh stop all the asking!





