Story from Nosirova Gavhar

Central Asian teen girl with straight dark long hair, brown eyes, a blue collared shirt and her head in her hand.
Nosirova Gavhar


As soon as I opened the window, the drops of the pouring rain hit my face, wafting the smell of rain-soaked soil. I fell in love with the rain with my tiny heart, my dreams led to Niagara. In front of our door, under a large rainbow-colored umbrella, my father sat and worked without looking up. Passers-by would one by one go in that direction, show their shoes, and throw something as if they were teaching a lesson. The big box under the foot was quite full. It seems that today
will be a busy day. 

At that moment, my mother’s words: «Be still, my girl, your
breakfast is ready, don’t be late for school» could be heard from the kitchen. When I was getting ready and going to school, I witnessed my father’s good mood:

- I’m going to school, don’t be tired
- «Study well my child» - he said.

Dawn was gradually giving way to day. When I returned from school upset, my father, who was still working without raising his head in front of our house, saw me and asked: «What happened?» - he looked worriedly. 

It’s hard to say that the water got through your boots again, my feet are frozen, bring me a new one?! My father was deep in thought, sighed and said: «Don’t be sad, my girl, I will take you for new shoes» and left his work , went with me towards the market. 

When I saw a brand new pair of boots that had just arrived in the store, soft and white inside, I wanted to buy them. My father said «OK» and went to bargain with the merchant.

After a long argument, I immediately put the boots on my feet. When we were walking down the street, my father said: «walk on the side of the road, my girl, it’s drier.» I happily told my father:» No, let’s walk in the street with my new boots for a while under the rain». My father would not be able to say «no» again.

Sometimes I would jump into the puddles and watch the water splash. On my way home after walking around the bazaar for exactly two hours, I entered the house after my father and praised my mother for my boots. My mother, who did not say a word, smiled and hung my father’s socks next to the oven to dry. 

When I went and looked, my father, whose feet were soaked in water, turned pale and shriveled, had started mending his boots, which he had not mended twice. With tears in my eyes, I was hugging my father tightly and crying, my father hugged me and smiled calmly and said: «Study well my girl.»

Nosirova Gavhar was born on August 16, 2000 in the city of Shahrisabz, Kashkadarya region of Uzbekistan. Today, she is a third-year student of the Faculty of Philology of the Samarkand State University of Uzbekistan. Being a lover of literature, she is engaged in writing stories and poems. Her creative works have been published in Uzbek and English. In addition, she is a member of «All India Council for Development of Technical Skills», «Juntos por las letras» of Argentina, «2DSA Global Community». Winner of the «Korabl znaniy» and «Talenty Rossii» contests, holder of the international C1 level in the Russian language, Global Education ambassador of Wisdom University and global coordinator of the Iqra Foundation in Uzbekistan. «Magic pen holders» talented young group of Uzbekistan, «Kayva Kishor», «Friendship of people», «Raven Cage», «The Daily Global Nation», Argentina;s «Multi Art-6», Kenya’s «Serenity: A compilation of art and literature by women» contains creative works in the magazine and anthology of poets and writers.