Survivor Chronicles webzine seeks art and writing related to personal experiences of trauma survival


Survivor Chronicles is a small independent publication, geared towards documenting trauma survival stories. The focus is on literature and art that has been part of the process of trauma survival. It seeks to celebrate the quintessential strength of the human soul.

We want to publish our first issue by the end of May, and are open for submissions.

We are very interested in poetry and artwork, but will also publish
short fiction, non fiction and photography when we really like it (and
have submissions!).

What we are interested in: gritty, bold stuff that tells a moment in
your story — it may be of great pain or great hope, great helplessness
or great strength, but it’s an important part of the process of your
trauma, and of your survival of it.

We prefer shorter pieces to longer ones, owing to the attention span
of the average internet reader.

In the body of an email, paste 1-5 poems, or short fiction/non fiction
within 1500 words.

Artists and photographers can send 1-5 pieces for consideration; email
as separate attachments.

In the subject line of your email, write your Name, Type of
Submission, Submission and send it to <thesurvivorchronicles(at)> (replace (at) with @)

If it is important for you to remain anonymous, please feel free to
use a pseudonym. Otherwise, please send a short bio.
