Poetry from Joan Beebe

A Free Spirit
I watch the birds flying free in the sky
And I think to myself I want to fly with them.
They are free to wander wherever they might
And their freedom stirs a longing in me —
To join them in their journey and they know the way
Where there is beauty and safety for them to enjoy.
As I keep watching those birds in their flight,
My longing increases and my spirit joins them in
Their canopy of song filling the air with their joy.

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Poetry from J.J. Campbell

a hot dirty blonde
i’m not
a social
my butterfly
has to be
forced into
such things
i remember
when i worked
at the airport,
in the factory
and this woman,
a hot dirty blonde 
told me to meet
her at the bar
and she’d buy
me a beer
i didn’t know
that was code
for she was
going to make
out with everyone
at the bar except
for me
because i was
busy drinking
a beer
lesson learned

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