Jean, dansant
It was a temp-
oral regression
from which
he returned
singing La
between mouth-
fuls of an egg &
lettuce sand-
wich. Arch-
ival footage
shows there
were times
when he had
all four feet
off the ground.
the Holy Roman
Empire would
come to be regarded
as the first
successful franchise.
Initially, however, it
didn't seem to have
a hope of making it
until Emperor Constantine
finally paid attention
to the local cuisine
& replaced the
basic communion wafer
with bite-sized pide.
Working on a capsicum farm
Way before television, up & down
the main street on a Saturday night.
Olive oil heated in a large sauce-
pan, a high energy production.
Unanimously well received. Great
feedback for a never say die team.
"The intention is to allow people
to stay living in their own homes,"
Carol explained. "We're hoping
those people who want to become
train drivers will wear white on
the night − lots of lace, no denim.
"It's so rewarding to see them once
they step out of their comfort zone."
Out & About
When last heard of she was
said to be running a clinic &
outreach program for theo-
dolites made redundant by
an uptake of GPS devices. No-
one can pinpoint its location.
that the voices
in my head have
deserted me,
who is there
left to talk to?
Sprezzatura! Combined with humor.
Love it.