Poetry from Henry Bladon

Do Nihilists?*

Do nihilists believe in God?
Do nihilists fall in love? 
Do nihilists believe in love?
Do nihilists have morals?
Do nihilists want to die?
Do nihilists hate life?

And the ultimate -
what’s the purpose of nihilism?

*Google questions

Death to…

Death to poetry collections
Death to politics
Death to golf
Death to tea towels
Death to garden trowels
Death to tempests
Death to cheap wine
Death to digital self-optimisation
Death to tennis balls
Death to iPhones
Death to pornography
Death to weeds
Death to weed killer
Death to fresh fruit
Death to decaying fruit
Death to bigotry
Death to satellites
Death to aphorisms
Death to potatoes
Death to politics
Death to sunglasses
Death to gilded assertions
Death to magazines
Death to guitar picks
Death to clocks and watches

Death to death…
