Masharipova Bakhor Ixtiyor
2-A student of Food Technology, Faculty of Chemical Technology Karakalpak State University named after Berdak
Abstract: this article shows in detail the history of the emergence of bakery products, the main types and varieties of bread and bakery products.
Keywords: Bread Festival, bakery products, rye bread made from cedar and elan flour.
Bread is one of the most popular and widely consumed products in the world. Therefore, it is not surprising that he has his own holiday — World Bread Day (World Bread Day), this holiday is celebrated every year on October 16. The holiday was established in 2006. The choice of date is due to the fact that on October 16, 1945, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization was created, which is engaged in solving problems in agriculture and production.
In every country in the world, bread and bakery products are always eaten in love. He is given the most honorable place on the table, bread was and remains a symbol of life. The history of bread goes back several millennia. According to scientific research, the first bakery products appeared about 8 thousand years ago. The first yeast bread was made in Egypt.
In addition, in ancient times, white bread was consumed by people of the upper class, and black and gray bread was considered the food of the poor. It was only in the 20th century that rye and whole grain bread became known about its benefits and nutritional value, which became even more popular.
Today’s Holiday, World Bread Day, is one reason to draw the attention of the general public to the problems of hunger, poverty and malnutrition in the world. Therefore, traditionally, on World Bread Day, many countries hold various bakery exhibitions, meetings of chefs, bakers and confectioners, fairs, master classes, folk walks, as well as free bread distribution to those in need, charity events. People will be able not only to taste different varieties and types of bread and bakery products, but also to get acquainted with how bread appeared, history and traditions, what it was made of, how it was baked, etc.
The range of products of the bakery industry consists of bread, buns, pore and bakery products, as well as varieties of local and therapeutic dietary bakery products. According to the commodity classification of bread and bakery products, they are divided into types, varieties and varieties. Types of bakery products are combined with the type of flour used in their preparation. There are such types of bread as wheat, rye, wheat-rye and rye-wheat.
Bread clay is determined by the grade of flour used in baking bread. Wheat bread is made from high, grade I and II, “Uzbekistan” and wheat flour, and rye bread is made from elanma, sidirma and jaydari flour. There are simple and improved varieties of bread according to the recipe. The bread variety combines a number of signs. These are the type of bread, the chili, the baking method (in a mold or tagdone), the shape of the product (buns, batons, wraps), the method of delivery to the consumer (pulled or sold in granules), etc.
The assortment of Non-bun products consists of several hundred varieties. Rye bread made from rye flour. Rye bread made from Jaydari flour is produced with mold or tagdone, by pulling or by grading. In addition to ordinary rye bread, fermented (red) rye bread is made from such flour, enhanced decoction rye bread with the addition of spices, rye bread “Moscow”, 80% Rye rye flour, 15% II grade wheat flour and Red Rye, “Borodino” breads are also prepared by adding sugar, patoka and spices.
Rye bread made from Sidirma and elanma flour. This group includes not only bakery products made from rye flour varieties, but also prepared by replacing part of them with wheat flour. Elanma and sidirma rye from the flours themselves, rye bread is produced molded or tagdoned, pulled or sold in grains. From a mixture of Sidirma rye and “Uzbek” wheat flour, “Darman” bread with mold and tagdon, which is sold either by grain, Ukrainian bread (20-80% sidirma rye and 80-20% jaydari wheat flour), Uraina fresh bread (20-80% sifted rye flour and 80-20% second-grade wheat flour) is produced. In the same group again “Pahlavon” bread, which is made from Cedar rye and first-grade wheat flour, 5% fermented agan malt, 7% sugar, 3% vegetable oil, 1% cumin; sidirma rye flour and second grade wheat flour, 5% fermented malt, 10% sugar and 1.5% cumin, which can be prepared “President” bread; 80% sidirma rye flour and 15% “Uzbekistan” grade wheat flour, 5% fermented malt, 9% sugar and 0.5% spice “Tangoq bread”, 90% Elma rye flour and 10% first grade wheat flour, 2% Patoka tagdon, which can be prepared by adding Nani; It includes “Riga” bread, which is prepared with the addition of 85% sifted rye flour, 10% first-grade wheat flour, 5% non-fermented rye malt and 0.4% spice, etc.
Rye-wheat and wheat-rye bread made from rye flour. Rye-wheat is made from 60% rye and 40% wheat rye flour with mold or tagdone, pulled or sold by grain, and wheat-rye bread is made from 60% wheat and 40% Rye rye flour. Rye-wheat decoction bread is also prepared by adding 5% fermented rye malt.
Wheat bread. Wheat bread refers to bread baked in a mold or tagdon, pulled or sold in granules, made from wheat flour of jaydari, “Uzbekistan”, I, II and higher grades. Wheat bread is produced in different varieties. For example, from jaydari wheat flour, breads are made that are sold with simple molds and tagdons, pulling or grading. Bread “Zabaykalsk” is made from wheat flour of 50% and 50% of second-grade. From wheat flour of the second grade, ordinary bread (molded or tagdoned), “Ukrainian palyanitsa” (tagdon), “Kiev arnaunati” (tagdon), white bread (molded or tagdon) and others are produced. From wheat flour” Uzbekistan “is produced bread, which is sold by mold or by grain, and” peasant ” grain bread with tagdons.
From wheat flour of the first variety, ordinary bread (with a mold or tagdon), home bread (tagdon), milk bread, “Saratov kalachi”, “Ukrainian palyanitsa”, Belarusian bread, city bread, white bread, etc. are produced. High-grade wheat flour is made from ordinary molded and tagdoned, raisin bread, milk bread, “Saratov kalachi”, “floral” bread, etc.
In subsequent years, the bakery industry produces white bread from wheat flour of higher, first and second grades. In comparison with ordinary wheat bread, the recipe for this bread differs in an excess (1.5 %) of the amount of pressed yeast. From this, the porosity of this bread should be 2-3% higher than that of ordinary bread.
Buns products. Granular bakery products with different shapes. This group includes batons, buns, saikas, robes, wrap aces, calachs, etc. Batons made from wheat flour of higher, first and second varieties are oblong, with a blunt or sharp shape at the ends. According to the type of products, there are several cuts on the transverse of the surface. The cuts on the surface of some batons are located along the length. The buns have a round or oblong shape with cuts located parallel on the surface. In cooking, due to the dense placement of dough, the wool of the saikas is without a shell. In the recipe for batons, buns, saikas and other buns products 100 kilos of flour includes less than 7% fat and sugar. To the recipe of some varieties of buns products, for example, in ordinary and urban batons, there will be no fat1i and sugar.
“Shirmoy” bread buns products. This group includes all types of non-bun products, the recipe of which contains more than 7% fat and sugar compared to 100 k of flour. (“Shirmoy” bakery products are divided into ordinary bakery, amateur products, simple and shaped “Viborg” bakery. Ordinary bakery products are of the first grade, and amateur and “Viborg” bakery products are made from high-grade wheat flour. The degree of bakery of these varieties differs in that 100 k of sugar, 7 k of cow’s fat and 90 pieces (3.5 k) of eggs are added to ordinary bakery, 17 k of sugar, 13 k of cow’s fat, 220 eggs (8.8 kg) and 4.2 g of vanillin; 20 k of sugar, 2 k of patoka, 7 k of cow’s); 25 k of sugar, 2 k of patoca, 10 k of cow fat, 100 eggs (4 k), 5 g of vanillin and 1 k of powdered sugar (for sprinkling on the surface) are placed in the formative “Viborg” bakery. From each of the above varieties of bakery, it is possible to prepare dozens of products that differ in shape.
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Very good👍👍👍