Poetry from Andrea N. Carr


Food has become my best friend,
and the only thing I can think of to tell younger people
is not to listen to anyone except someone who has done
what you are trying to accomplish. 

Believe there is always a way, even if you don't
know how exactly. 

Uncertainty is your friend through excitement. Do what makes you happy because before you know it, your life
is almost over. 

A hundred years is too long to live because
of your brain's age; it stays younger than the body 
permanently and they never equal each other. 

But 50 isn't enough time to live. You are still young in comparison
to your last half of life. I would do the first part of life over backward
to avoid reaching 85. Now that I am in the last half, the time moves
faster and faster the older one gets. 

Imagine that. No one can explain it to you until it's too late. 

Andrea N. Carr is an accomplished writer and storyteller from Southern California. More about her work here.

4 thoughts on “Poetry from Andrea N. Carr

  1. I think it’s a general flow from within. I feel you and know you in so many aspects of life. I appreciate you and what makes you, you!💜

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